Enterprise Zone

Benefits of Business in Page County

Below is the information the Page County Economic Development & Tourism puts out on the Enterprise Zone:


What is an Enterprise Zone?
The Virginia General Assembly established the Virginia Enterprise Zone program in 1982, a program intended to join the Department of Housing and Community Development with local governments in providing incentives for investment in capital improvements and new employees. Under this program, qualifying businesses can receive grants for making real property investments and for creating permanent, full-time jobs.

Are you in the Zone? 
Page County's Enterprise Zone contains a total of 1,705 acres and spans through the Towns of LurayStanley, and Shenandoah. The zone includes a majority of our commercial, industrial, retail, and office spaces, as well as, various unimproved properties for future development.  

What are the Advantages of Locating my Business in the Zone and How Do I Qualify? 
If your business is located in the Page County Enterprise Zone, you may be eligible for various State and/or Local incentives. These incentives are primarily based on the amount of financial investment and jobs created by your business. Incentives may be combined. 

For additional information contact Liz Lewis, Page County Department of Economic Development & Tourism, at (540) 743-1216.