
PCPS Poverty Simulation

PCPS Poverty Simulation

Description: Page County Public Schools invites you to join us for a Poverty Simulation sponsored by the Virginia Cooperative Extension and PACA. A poverty simulation is a guided experience that exposes participants to the realities of poverty including challenges of navigating the complex world of government services and essential service providers. During the simulation, participants assume the roles of up to 26 different families facing poverty. The task of each family is to provide basic necessities and shelter during four 15-minute weeks, while balancing the requirements of various service providers with the realities of daily life. The workshop allows participants to experience life in the state of poverty.  


Location: Luray High CShool, 243 Bulldog Drive, Luray


Website: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdl-4lKMUVKZR19uI5AinMBmILW0Z1jFr7ihNBOWzuNJ8rPRQ/viewform