
Hill and Valley Garden Club Montly Meeting

Hill and Valley Garden Club Montly Meeting

Description: Ever see a mushroom or fungus and wonder “What is that?”  “What does it do?”  “Can I eat it?”.  Here is your chance to ask Mycologist, Bill Bynum, who has been interested in fungi 'officially' since 2005.  Bill, former President of the Connecticut Valley Mycological Society, worked with Mycologist experts collecting, discussing and recording fungus information for various mushroom recording libraries over the years. Now living in Rappahannock County, Bill continues to record the mushroom, morel and other fungi that he finds in the Virginia woods.  Bill has presented “Introduction to Mycology” programs for many public mushroom events, garden clubs, libraries, and Virginia Master Naturalist training classes. Please  contact hillandvalleygardenclub@gmail.com information on attending this “fun guy” presentation.


Location: Luray United Methodist Church, 1 West Main Street, Luray

